Where to find Nuclear Fuel Rods in Call of Duty DMZ?

There are a few places where you can find Nuclear Fuel Rods in Call of Duty DMZ:

  • Secure Nuclear Materials contracts: This is the most reliable way to find Nuclear Fuel Rods. These contracts are marked by the radiation symbols within the green phone icons on a major map. When you start a Secure Nuclear Materials contract, you will first need to find a Geiger Counter. Once you have the Geiger Counter, you can use it to locate two or three nuclear caches that each contain Nuclear Fuel Rods.
  • Building 21: This map has a few Nuclear Fuel Rods scattered around, but they are more difficult to find than those on other maps. You can use the Geiger Counter to help you find them, but you may also need to explore the map thoroughly.
  • Koschei Complex: This map also has a few Nuclear Fuel Rods scattered around. You can find them in the flooded barracks area, as well as in some of the other buildings on the map.

Here are some tips for finding Nuclear Fuel Rods in DMZ:

  • Use the Geiger Counter: The Geiger Counter is a vital tool for finding Nuclear Fuel Rods. It will emit a loud noise when you are near a Nuclear Fuel Rod, making it easy to track them down.
  • Explore thoroughly: Don’t just follow the Geiger Counter blindly. Take some time to explore the map and look for any hidden Nuclear Fuel Rods.
  • Be careful: Nuclear Fuel Rods are radioactive, so they can damage you if you stay close to them for too long. Make sure to wear a gas mask when you are near Nuclear Fuel Rods.